"Basketball is like war in that offensive weapons are developed first, and it always takes a while for the defense to catch up."
- Red Auerbach
Engineering Visualization
Planning an effective visualization strategy is a critical element to consider at the onset of your case. In matters containing complex subject matter, it is wise to involve a presentation consultant in early sessions with expert witnesses. Trial PowerPoints are far different from creating useful informational graphicsl early on. The litmus test for an infographic is how well they stand on their own without explanantion . . . what is it's teaching efficacy? Due to the complexity of information, we often need to deliver information in small bites to build the story we are trying to tell.
The legal visualization process is highly revisionistic. Getting a handle on production usually begins at the earliest stages of the litigation lifecycle. With an exercise in visualization with your experts, we can produce the illustrations required to augment the expert reports and package those into your e-briefs for submission to the court. Having initiated the process early, we make downstream events far more efficient. Below are types of graphic elements in use during the litgation lifecycle.
Trial PowerPoint:
The staple tool of the trial presentation strategy, Power Point is the workhorse in the courtrrom. It is an excellent tool for assembling most forms of media into a linear presentation and can be operated by the lead attorney remotely. As PPT is ubiquitous across PC platforms, your team can also work with the production files for proofing and editing leading up your event. Drawbacks of Power Point lies in its animation and interactivity capabilities. They can can be very two-dimensional and flat, where at times, you may require more horsepower.

Informational graphics are inevitably multivariate. There are a number of data types interwoven into an illustration, that on it's own, can tell a story. Created in programs such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, an information designer is put to the task of creating a teaching moment. Certainly not limited to, but generally inclusive in legal infographics, are:
Timelines of Events: Timelines are a core feature of every case. Presentation of data over time can range wildly from the sequence of events performed by an individual to those involved in the failure of a colossal industrial facility. We've employed techniques that have captured 1000s of data points into interactive tools for court presentation.
Graphs & Charts: These fundamental elements lead to reams of tabular data requiring visualization. It is critical to understand the best perspective on data, how it can best be taught within context and in a multivariate setting.
Exhibits: Your documents: filings, corporate financials, contracts, memos, correspondence, etc. - represents the bulk of your case presentation. These can both be incorporated into your presentation strategy via the trial technology software employed by the hotseat operator or built directly into your demonstratives.
Engineering Data: This data is obtainable in many forms, all of which lend to excellent visualization techniques. Whether topography, strength, thermo, simulations, blueprints, process, weather, patent figures, flow charts, etc. - we can take any form of data and convert it into a compelling communications tool.
Most cases will require some level of multimedia production and presentation. When the case calls for more sophisticated tools in the case presentation, we have a wealth of experience handling some of the most complex communications challenges. There is always a solution:
Audio: Audio can come in many forms and for various reasons. A powerful audio track can come from 911 calls, voicemail, meeting minutes, primetime media, surveilance cams, A well placed audio track cannot be understated in any case. They give the audience a chance to visualize themselves. There is no understating the power of imagination.
Video: Videography is an excellent vehicle for both case development and presentation. Anything involving the description of a complex remote site, procedure, event, aftermath of an accident; video allows you to bring that element into the courtroom.
3D Modeling: 3D allows you to virtually recreate objects that are either too large or too small to bring into court. Especially useful in patent litigation, where you can bring two diminsional patent figures to life, 3D offers a large number of visualization options, that include: Zoom, pan, orbit, onion skin, see inside, see independent, see in an environment, overlay to photos.
2D & 3D Animation: Animation simply tells the story. We can precisely recreate any object, scene or environment and develop the actual or proposed scenario at hand. 2D animations come in the form of PowerPoint or Flash and can be interactive. 3D are immersive and photorealistic. Costly, yet can clearly reveal the proposed argument in a conceivable way that a jur/judge can relate to. You have to know when to use it.
Interactive: More frequently are there reasons for requiring some kind of interactive multimedia in a legal matter. When they exist - they provide endless opportunity. Let us list a few:
Interactive Timelines: As cases become more complicated, so does the need to fulfill their story telling. Interactive timelines allow us to create simplified visuals from very complex data. Drilling into timeline entries can pull up entire presentations of any media type for that point in time.
Standalone, Narrated Tutorials: Tutorials are requested when the subject's technology is complex. Occasionally, you are hit with the request to produce a standalone, narrated tutorial on DVD for the judge.
Expert and Trial Team Exercises: Interactive multimedia is ideal for creating internal tools to help your team collaborate on the fundamental elements of their case. Most useful for IP/Patent cases.
Engineering Re-constructions and Simulations: Engineering data can come in a vast aray. In the era of the virtual world, a virtual approach is used for applications in which failures are not acceptable and physical tests are not always possible. Systems and multiphysics, electromagnetics, fluid dynamics, and structual mechanics are just some of the areas where results require a visualization to present data.